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DataVic Access Policy Dataset Publishing Manual

A practical guide to listing data on DataVic.

1. Introduction

The DataVic Access Policy (the Policy) requires Victorian government departments and agencies to make data available for re-use by the public.

Data which is made available under the Policy must be listed at the Victorian Government data directory (data directory) at

This manual is a practical guide to listing data on the data directory.

1.1 Making data available

Departments and agencies must take a number of steps to ensure that their data is made available and to comply with the DataVic Access Policy. Listing data on the data directory is just one of these steps.

The main steps are described in the DataVic Access Policy Guideline.

In summary, they include:

#StepIssues to consider
1Identify a dataset
  • Existing and new datasets should be identified.
  • High-value datasets should be prioritised.
  • Some datasets are restricted for reasons of privacy, public safety, security and law enforcement, public health or compliance with the law.
2Prepare the dataset for publication
  • The dataset should be in an open format (for example, CSV or XML).
  • The dataset should be de-identified of personal and/or confidential information.
  • A metadata record for the dataset should be created.
  • A data quality statement is recommended.
3Select a licence
  • An appropriate copyright licence must be selected.
  • The default licence is a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0 AU).
4Publish the dataset
  • The dataset should be uploaded to the department or agency’s website or web service.
  • Data is not usually directly uploaded to the data directory web servers.
  • Usually managed by the IT or web team.
5List the dataset on the data directory
  • Further information provided in this manual.
6Manage the dataset
  • Ensure currency of the dataset.
  • Manage feedback received from users via the data directory.

This manual details how to achieve step 5 above. Information on the other steps is provided in the DataVic Access Policy Guideline.

2. How to list a dataset on the data directory

2.1 What is the data directory?

The data directory ( is a 'portal' that helps users find and use the datasets and data tools that exist on Victorian Government websites. It is both an easy-to-use directory and a powerful search engine (see example below).

2.2 Hosting data

Most Victorian data is published and hosted on agency managed websites. Data is usually not directly published on the data directory web servers. Accordingly the steps below apply where the data has already been hosted.

2.3 Linking a dataset to the data directory

To link a dataset to the data directory a request needs to be generated via the DataVic Service Desk.

The details you provide in this form are the metadata record required by ‘technical support’ to create the data record on the data directory. Metadata is listed information that describes and helps provide access to an information resource. Metadata provides contextual information to users. It helps them find information through searches and helps them understand how the information can be used.

The metadata template requires the following description or metadata to be provided when creating a data record. This standard is derived from the Victorian Government Guideline: Information Management Roles and Responsibilities.

Metadata template
Field nameDescription
Agency (if applicable)Organisation with authority and accountability for the information asset.
DepartmentOrganisation with authority and accountability for the information asset.
Data AdministratorOfficer managing agency presence on the data directory (will not be made public)
Data Administrator Contact Details emailEmail address (will not be made public)
Data Administrator Contact Details phonePhone number (will not be made public)
Approver ContactOfficer authorised to release data to the public)
Approver Contact Details emailEmail address (will not be made public)
Approver Contact Details phonePhone number (will not be made public)
Dept./Agency URLURL
Release DateDate the data source was first released for public use
FormatThe file format of the information asset. (i.e. XML, excel)
Data Source URLDirect link to data source location
Program URLCan be used to link to specific agency programme website
Data FrequencyFrequency that the data source is updated i.e. weekly, monthly
Temporal RangeDate range the data covers i.e. Branch Expenditure 2012 - start date to end date - 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2012
GeoData (if applicable)Granularity (Extent of drill down level - i.e. to LGA level)
GeoData (if applicable)Coverage (Extent of data coverage - i.e. all of Victoria, all LGAs)
Data Type/CategoryDataVic data category
LicensingA licence giving official permission to use the information asset
Site TagsTwo or three tags to support search functions

The information required to complete the metadata record should be held in the agency’s Information Asset Register as mandated by the Digital Strategy and Transformation branch.

Note: Standard requests have a three (3) day turnaround, however, if the job is urgent or particularly large or complex, this may need to be negotiated.

3. Policy and technical support

The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) is available to support departments and agencies to make data available and to implement the Policy.

DPC can provide policy support, training, preparation of resources and is the first point of contact for all queries. The publication of datasets on the data portal is managed by DPC. Technical queries in relation to the linking of datasets to the data portal should be referred to DPC.

Comments and questions may be directed as follows:

Contact DataVic
