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Five-year financial summary

Summary of factors that affected our performance in 2019–20 and the preceding 4 reporting periods.

Key financial indicators from 2016–17 to 2020–21

Summary of key financial indicators for DPC
Department-controlled activities 2020–21
$’000 (1)
$’000 (2)
$’000 (3)
$’000 (4)
$’000 (5)
Income from government 607,413 >726,920 >720,119 >520,002 >479,130
Total income from transactions >642,804 >818,062 >760,318 >580,778 >518,324
Total expenses from transactions (632,174) (825,276) (750,323) (573,028) (496,796)
Net result from transactions 10,630 (7,214) 9,995 7,750 21,528
Net result for the period 13,048 (7,666) 8,583 7,966 22,195
Net cash flow from operating activities 35,597 17,883 35,134 15,980 33,375
Total assets 881,214 866,022 876,813 847,231 813,404
Total liabilities 95,703 116,514 116,711 90,268 77,749


  1. The decrease in 2020–21 income and expenditure is mainly due to MoG changes where Fairer Victoria transferred from DPC to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing on 1 February 2021, and Bushfire Recovery Victoria transferred to the Department of Justice and Community Safety from 1 July 2020. An increase in assets is driven by asset revaluations. Transfer of employee and supplier liabilities to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing contributed to a decrease in liabilities.
  2. The increase in 2019–20 income and expenditure is mainly due to bushfire recovery activities and responses to COVID-19. DPC’s assets decreased due to reductions in financial assets, from the use of funding received in prior financial years, and MoG decisions where functions were transferred from DPC.
  3. The increase in 2018–19 income and expenditure is mainly due to new government initiatives delivered during the year, including Pick My Project, Multicultural Community Infrastructure programs and the Victorian Jobs and Investment Fund. Separately, there was increased income and expenditure due to the 2018 state election. Assets increased due to investments in modernising DPC’s office spaces and further investments in Service Victoria’s digital services platform. DPC’s liabilities increased due to higher payables and employee liabilities because of growth and MoG transfers into DPC.
  4. The increase in income from transactions and an increase in expenses from transactions in 2017–18 relate to new government initiatives carried out during the year. Separately, the increase in total assets is mainly due to building Service Victoria's digital services platform.
  5. The full-year impact of significant new initiatives affected DPC’s operations in 2016–17. Asset balances were impacted by asset revaluations during the year.
