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DET - Learn Local Sector - 15 March 2022 - Review of the ACSF and DLSF is underway - have your say

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 15 March 2022

Subject: Review of the ACSF and DLSF is underway - have your say

Actions and critical dates

  • ACER is currently consulting with a wide range of stakeholders on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and the Digital Literacy Skills Framework (DLSF). You can provide feedback on both or either of the Frameworks by participating in a survey on the ACER website.

Review of the ACSF and DLSF is underway - have your say

  • Are you a pre-accredited LLND practitioner?
  • Have you used the ACSF or the DLSF to inform your work in any way?
  • Do you use PRIAK for placement assessment?
  • Do you teach Skills for Work and Study or Digital Essentials?
  • Did you attend the ALNPP professional development and discuss the frameworks there?

Whatever your interest in the ACSF and DLSF, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) review team wants to learn more about how you use LLND frameworks like these within the pre-accredited learning space.

If you would like to participate, you can contribute in the following ways:

1. Online survey – available from 11 March 2022

The survey is now live on the ACER website until the 1st of April 2022.

2. Discussion forum coming soon

There will also be a discussion foruk held on 31 March 2022, 4pm to 5pm. This forum gives you an opportunity to expand on your responses to the online survey and provide more specific feedback relating to the frameworks.

Email ACER directly at if you want to attend.

ACER will send a link to the survey and Zoom Meeting links for you to join the forums you nominate.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms Josie Rose, Senior Project Officer, Department of Education and Training by email
