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DET - Learn Local Sector - 22 March 2022 - 2022 Learn Local Course Guides and Learn Local Brand Pack

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 22 March 2022

Subject: 2022 Learn Local Course Guides and Learn Local Brand Pack

Actions and critical dates

  • Hard copies of the 2022 Learn Local Course Guides are currently being delivered to all Learn Local providers. Please advise your regional office if you do not receive your delivery by mid next week.
  • Remember to also check out the digital versions of the Course Guides on the Learn Local website: Course Guides.
  • Promote your relevant Course Guide (either digital or hard copy version) to your stakeholders.
  • A Brand Pack is also being delivered to all contracted Learn Local providers. Please help us raise the profile of the sector by placing the resources in prominent positions in your organisation.

2022 Learn Local Course Guides

The hard copy versions of the 2022 Learn Local Course Guides are currently being delivered. All Learn Local providers will receive 15 copies of their relevant Course Guide.

Please also remember that the digital versions are always available on the Learn Local website: Course Guides

The Course Guides have been designed as a reusable resource to enable key stakeholders to better understand and refer adult learners to appropriate ACFE Board funded Learn Local courses in their local area. They have once again been split into 13 sub-regions and are a valuable marketing tool that will assist in promoting Learn Local courses to potential learners, industry, and other relevant community organisations who provide support and assistance to adult learners.

The Course Guides have been prepared using the agreed 2022 Pre-accredited Training Delivery Plans from each Learn Local provider and were current at the time of finalising (20 January 2022). In some cases, course names have been adjusted or combined for consistency across the various Course Guides. All Learn Local providers are encouraged to continue to keep their own organisation’s websites up to date with current Learn Local course offerings.

The Department has promoted the digital versions of the Course Guides to a range of stakeholders including:

  • TAFE institutes
  • Skills and Jobs Centres
  • jobactives
  • Learn Local sector peaks
  • Local councils
  • Local Learning and Employment Networks
  • Other state and federal government departments.

The Department has also sent hard copies of the relevant Course Guides to many of the above and other stakeholders.

Please note, the Course Guides are not intended to be handed out to potential learners. They are intended to be used to help guide potential learners to a Learn Local course of interest and that often works better if someone is assisting them to look through the Course Guide.

Learn Local providers are encouraged to promote both the digital and hard copy versions of the Course Guides via your own communication channels, especially to referral type organisations in your local community that are seeking training options for their clients, such as jobactives, libraries, Skills and Jobs Centres and TAFEs.

If you have any questions about the Course Guides, please contact your DET Regional Office.

Brand Pack

All contracted Learn Local providers are also being sent a Learn Local Brand Pack. In the pack you will find:

  • a hardcopy of the updated Learn Local Brand Guidelines for your use. These Guidelines are also available at Learn Local Brand Guidelines
  • 2 Learn Local decal stickers for you to place on the front door/window/area of your organisation so that people know that you deliver ACFE Board funded Learn Local courses
  • 2 Learn Local posters for you to place within your organisation promoting Learn Local courses.

We hope these new branding resources will help to raise the profile of the wonderful Learn Local courses that you deliver, and in turn will help to increase the awareness of the Learn Local sector overall.

If you have any questions about the Brand Pack please contact the Learn Local communications team at

Share your Learn Local brand love

It would also be great if you could please share with the Department and each other the ways you are using the Course Guides and new branding resources to promote the Learn Local sector, including other stakeholders that you have found it beneficial to promote the Course Guides too.

One way that you can do this is by adding a post into the Learn Local Provider Network Facebook Group (closed group only for Learn Local sector staff). If you are not already a member of this group, you are very welcome to join. Just search for Learn Local Provider Network on Facebook and then click on the ‘Join’ button and our administrator will give you access. This closed Facebook group is a great way to share Learn Local related information and news with other Learn Local staff.
