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DET - Learn Local Sector - 8 March 2022 - 2022 Pre-accredited Learner Survey

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 8 March 2022

Subject: 2022 Pre-accredited Learner Survey

Actions and critical dates

  • Pre-accredited Learner Survey period – 7 March to 1 May 2022 (eight-week campaign).
  • Note the below Fact Sheet to assist Learn Locals that may receive questions about the survey from students and learners.

2022 Pre-accredited Learner Survey

Between 7 March and 1 May 2022, the Department of Education and Training will conduct a survey of students and learners that undertook government subsidised accredited and pre-accredited courses. The Pre-accredited Learner Survey, undertaken by the Social Research Centre on behalf of the Department and the ACFE Board, seeks to understand how learners perceive the quality of their training and the impact it has had on achieving their goals.

Learners will receive a letter inviting them to take part in the survey. This letter will include a login code and instructions on how to access the survey online. They may also receive a text message from 0439 018 320 or a phone call from 03 8580 2139.

If your learners have any questions about the survey, they can contact the Social Research Centre by telephone – 1800 799 841 or email –

The below Fact Sheet may assist Learn Local providers to respond to questions from learners who have been invited to participate in the survey.

2022 Pre-accredited Learner Survey - Learn Local Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet is to assist Learn Locals to respond to questions from learners that have received an invitation to participate in the 2022 Pre-accredited Learner Survey.

Between 7 March and 1 May 2022, the Social Research Centre, on behalf of the Victorian Skills Authority and the Department of Education and Training, will conduct the survey. Learners who undertook pre-accredited courses in 2021 will be sent a letter inviting them to complete the survey. The Frequently Asked Questions listed below will accompany the letter.

The letter will include a login code and instructions on how to access the survey online. Learners may also receive a text message or a phone call asking them to complete the survey. They will be able to complete the survey online, via SMS or by post.

If approached about the survey, please encourage any learner who receives a letter to participate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this survey about?

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) and the Department of Education and Training (DET) send the Survey to all Victorian students who completed or left early from any government-funded accredited or pre-accredited training in 2021.

The survey asks a range of questions, such as “Were you satisfied with your training?”, “Would you recommend your training provider?” and “What is your employment situation after the training?”.

Why should I participate?

We want to know what you thought of your training. Your answers will help us improve the quality of training in Victoria. High quality vocational training means Victorian students and learners can achieve good outcomes, such as getting a new or better job.

Completing this survey is voluntary. However, the more students who respond the better as it helps us better understand how Victoria’s training system is performing.

How did you get my details?

Your training organisation is required to provide DET with your contact details in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines. This information is sent to the Social Research Centre (SRC) to conduct this survey in accordance with these guidelines.

Contacting you for this project is consistent with the Victorian Government VET Student Enrolment Privacy Notice provided to you when you enrolled in your training. Contact details provided to the SRC will only be used to administer the survey.

How will my privacy be protected?

When the survey closes, the SRC will link your survey responses with information about your course and training organisation. The resulting data will be used for purposes consistent with the Victorian Government VET Student Enrolment Privacy Notice. Your data will be dealt with in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic.).

Further information on the Victorian Information Privacy Principles is available at:

The Department of Education and Training Privacy Policy is available at:

The SRC Privacy Policy is available at:

In rare instances we may contact you or others if, through your responses, we think there is a serious threat to your health and safety or that of others. If during the course of completing the survey you require assistance, help is available at:

What if I don’t think I did the training?

That’s OK – you may have undertaken similar training to the training shown on the front of this letter in 2021. If so, you can complete the survey and be entered into the prize draws. If you never enrolled in any vocational training or would like to make a complaint about your training or training organisation, call the TAFE and Training Help Line on 131 823 or email:

What if I don’t recognise the training provider?

That’s OK – sometimes training organisations change names, use different names for parts of their business, or they organise the training to be conducted by another training organisation. You can still complete the survey and be entered into the prize draws.

Who is the VSA?

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) was established as an Administrative Office of DET by the Victorian Government in July 2021. The VSA aims to support Victorian students to undertake training that will help them find a job; and help Victorian employers find workers with the skills they need.

Need further information?


Telephone: 1800 799 841

