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Our people and partnerships

Our people

Our people are critical to achieving our objectives. We value our people and continue to build strong foundations to ensure we remain capable, responsive and agile.

DGS is committed to attracting and retaining talented people that share our commitment to digital transformation, customer services and accessible government.

Developing the capability of our people to support a high-performing, service-oriented organisation that will position the Department to meet current and future community needs is important to us. We aim to build innovative thinking, a strong sense of customer service and problem solving. And so our people must have a digital mindset and be competent in digital ways of working.

Our frontline staff allow us to engage with customers and respond to their changing needs. Our staff also engage with community organisations, local government, service delivery agencies and other departments and agencies.

DGS will continue to implement its operating model which is designed with an emphasis on single teams providing standardised, shared services to multiple customers. We use customer feedback to improve and transform services and we will work with our partners across state and local government to remove the silos that affect accessibility of services.

Building an inclusive culture must be central to how we operate. Inclusion and accessibility will be at the heart of all we do to ensure that our services reflect the needs of our diverse community. We value diversity of perspectives and thoughts which is why we are strongly committed to ensuing we attract and celebrate a diverse and inclusive workplace. To encourage this DGS offers traineeships for cyber security, internships and graduate programs that attract candidates from diverse backgrounds.

As stewards of the public sector, we are committed to nurturing a culture of integrity and we demonstrate integrity in our daily work. We are committed to ensuring a strong integrity culture and ensuring integrity discussions are embedded in our day to day work and decision making, and that staff have avenues to raise integrity matters anonymously and safely.

DGS is committed to ensuring the psychological safety and wellbeing of all our people and will continue to monitor and respond to staff feedback through the People Matter Survey to ensure DGS provides a workplace for its people to thrive.

Our partnerships

We allocate more than $795 million in funding to agencies, local councils and community service organisations for service delivery each year and monitor over 100 service agreements.

We oversee complex systems, services and programs with partners that include:

  • Customers
  • Government departments, agencies and State Owned Entities
  • Local councils
  • Commonwealth, State and Territory governments
  • Community service organisations
  • Peak organisations
  • Community groups
  • Industry bodies and private sector providers.
