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Operating environment

The department provides advice and support to the Premier, Deputy Premier, our Ministers and Cabinet and responds to government priorities by supporting our Secretary as the leader of the Victorian Public Service.

As a first minister’s department, DPC will continue to protect and advance Victoria’s interests through sophisticated policy development, advocacy and implementation. We work with departments and agencies to support the government as it implements strategic programs to benefit the Victorian community.

The government’s focus in 2023–24 is on strengthening Victoria’s health system and the economy. It is continuing to invest in infrastructure, while providing cost-of-living relief given the challenging environment for some Victorians with high inflation and rising interest rates.

However, unprecedented spending to deliver response measures and support arrangements during the pandemic has meant Victoria’s debt compared to the size of the economy has risen. To address the COVID-19 spend debt, the government has introduced a temporary COVID Debt Repayment Plan.

DPC and other government departments are contributing to the COVID Debt Repayment Plan by taking steps to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their spending, while maintaining a focus on key service delivery priorities. There will also be a reduction in public service staff across departments in 2023–24. The department will apply prudent financial and vacancy management going forward.

Following the November 2022 State election, the government made the decision to expand the number of departments from nine to ten by introducing the Department of Government Services (DGS). This reform has resulted in changes to DPC's operating structure. DGS is providing corporate services to DPC and the Department of Treasury and Finance under a shared services model. DPC will support DGS to establish the first integrated shared services in government.

DPC will responsibly manage the challenging operating environment and continue to align our efforts with the government’s priorities, commitments and policy objectives.
