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Message from the Secretary

Message from the Secretary

There is a place for everyone at DPC. We are committed to diversity, inclusion and equity ensuring that all people:

  • are treated with dignity and respect
  • have equitable access to employment opportunities and outcomes
  • have the ability to participate in all aspects of work life
  • can achieve their full potential

These principles underpin DPC’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019-2021. The success of any organisation depends upon its ability to recognise and draw strength from the diversity of its workforce. The benefits of a diverse, inclusive and equitable workforce are increasingly being recognised across public, private and not-for-profit sectors as a critical contributing factor to an organisation’s success and sustainability[1].

An organisation that values everyone’s contribution and talents improves its employee engagement, job satisfaction, innovation, service delivery and return on investment. Diversity, inclusion and equity support our organisation’s commitment to promote full participation in our communities and foster and promote a high performing public service[2].

This commitment is demonstrated through workplace diversity and inclusion actions, plans and initiatives that help us to:

  • ensure equitable access to employment opportunities and outcomes for all people
  • raise individual consciousness and build competency to work with and manage diversity, inclusion and equity principles
  • engage and reflect the communities we serve
  • provide an exemplary employee experience

DPC has an important leadership role in ensuring that our culture and day-to-day practices are as inclusive as possible for all staff members. We will monitor our progress against this strategy and continue to identify ways of ensuring our commitment to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all DPC employees.

I ask all employees to actively look for opportunities to support our goals by:

  • engaging diverse talent and enabling high performing teams
  • ensuring multiple perspectives in the design and delivery of policy, programs and services
  • practicing inclusive leadership
  • encouraging others to attend education opportunities and build inclusive practices

I am delighted to present the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2019-2021.

Chris Eccles AO, Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet

[1] Delivering through Diversity - McKinsey & Company 2018

[2] Department of Premier and Cabinet’s (DPC) Corporate Plan 2016-2020

About the department

DPC's vision is to be a recognised and respected leader in whole of government policy and performance.

DPC supports the ministerial portfolios of the Premier, Deputy Premier, Special Minister of State, Aboriginal Affairs, Industrial Relations, Equality, Veterans, Multicultural Affairs, Youth and Women.

Our vision is to lead the VPS by working for the people of Victoria to help the government achieve its strategic objectives

DPC contributes to the Victorian Government commitment to a stronger, fairer, better Victoria by pursuing excellence in whole of government outcomes in delivery and reform.

Further information

Additional information regarding the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2018-2021 is available by contacting DPC's Senior Adviser, Diversity & Inclusion or Manager, Organisational Development in People and Culture Branch. DPC's Diversity & Inclusion action plans are available on the DPC Intranet.

  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer and/or Questioning (LGBTIQ) Inclusion Plan 2019-2021
  • Disability Action Plan 2017-2020
  • Gender Equity Action Plan 2018-2020
  • Cultural Diversity Inclusion Strategy 2015-2018
  • Aboriginal Inclusion Plan 2014


Delivering through Diversity - McKinsey & Company 2018

Department of Premier and Cabinet's (DPC) Corporate Plan 2016-2020

Only skin deep? Re-examining the business case for diversity, Deloitte 2011

Chubb Insurance Group company case study - approach to diversity 2018

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

Intersectionality definition
