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National Workforce Census

Register to take part in the census from 13 May 2024 and help shape policy directions for the sector.

The Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) National Workforce Census, run by the Australian Government’s Department of Education, is an important data collection opportunity, providing a national overview of the ECEC workforce in Australia.

Many thanks to all service providers that have already registered for the census. It will be open from Monday 13 May to Sunday 14 July 2024.

As outlined in our Thursday 28 March 2024 edition, the Social Research Centre contacted all service providers by email in February 2024 with a username, password and instructions to register for the census.

Services that have not yet registered should contact the Social Research Centre:

  • phone: National Workforce Census Helpline on 1800 800 996 (free call)
  • email:

Taking part in the census is mandatory for all CCS-approved service providers and is strongly encouraged for all service providers.

Governments use data collected from the census to help develop ECEC programs and policies. Participation helps ensure an accurate and nationally consistent picture of the sector.

Find out more

For more information, refer to Social Research Centre.
