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Lines of recovery

The State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) identifies 4 recovery environments:

  • social
  • economic
  • built
  • natural.

Together they provide a framework within which recovery can be planned, coordinated, delivered, monitored and evaluated. Each environment contains one or more functional areas that bring together related recovery roles that address specific community needs.

Emergency Recovery Victoria's (ERV) approach to recovery builds on the SEMP, identifying 5 lines of recovery that both align to the SEMP recovery environments and include a separate line of recovery for aboriginal culture and healing. This is because ERV is committed to embedding Aboriginal self-determination into our practices to improve strengthened recovery outcomes, in line with Victorian Government commitments under the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023 and Self-Determination Reform Framework.

Aboriginal people’s relationships to country, culture and community are not only interconnected but intrinsically linked and enmeshed within identity. Incorporating Aboriginal knowledge into the recovery system benefits all Victorians. Aboriginal ways of knowing encourage us to live in connection with the land, and for communities to see themselves as part of that land and place, rather than separate.

Lines of recovery diagram

  • Download 'Lines of recovery diagram'

About the lines of recovery

People and wellbeing

State head department

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing 


The people and wellbeing line of recovery works to ensure community members impacted by emergencies are healthy, safe and connected within their community.

It coordinates and commissions programs that provide:

  • wrap around recovery support across the breadth of individual and community needs
  • financial counselling, assistance accessing grants and support with financial wellbeing
  • tailored psychosocial support
  • community resilience training and development of the capabilities of the health and wellbeing workforce to deliver these services
  • resilience capability and capacity of schools
  • training in family violence support and recovery
  • access to disaster legal aid.

Recovery outcomes

  • People are managing their physical and mental health.
  • People have timely access to a safe, stable and secure home.
  • Communities recover and build resilience together.

Aboriginal culture and healing

State lead agency

Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV)


The Aboriginal culture and healing line of recovery is the first of its kind in Australia.

It stands alongside traditional lines of recovery to ensure the voice of Aboriginal Victorians affected by disasters is represented in government decision-making.

This line of recovery was designed to ensure overall recovery efforts consider and safeguard a culturally appropriate and safe recovery for Aboriginal Victorians.

Recovery outcomes

  • Aboriginal peoples’ unique experiences of trauma are addressed, and healing is supported.
  • The recovery and resilience of the whole community is strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions and connection to country.
  • Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and build resilience.

Aboriginal self-determination

We are committed to embedding Aboriginal self-determination into our practices to improve recovery outcomes for Aboriginal communities. This commitment extends from the Victorian Government’s delivery of the Self-Determination Reform Framework, a guide for public service action enabling self-determination, and aligned with the delivery of the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018–2023.

We work closely with Aboriginal communities to develop their recovery solutions and encourage this practice in its service and agency partners for all rebuilding and recovery activities. Enabling and embedding Aboriginal peoples’ self-determination is a significant commitment to place choice and decision-making in the hands of Aboriginal people.

Environment and biodiversity

State lead department

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action


The environment and biodiversity line of recovery works alongside the community, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), and other agencies to coordinate and support recovery efforts for biodiversity and environment with a focus on biodiversity, water and catchments, and sustainability.

This includes:

  • coordinating the delivery of funding
  • working with the community to understand their needs for biodiversity and environment
  • delivering programs to meet these needs.

Recovery outcomes

  • The natural habitat and processes that support threatened and iconic species and ecological communities are restored and protected.
  • The community benefits of parks, forests and catchments are restored.
  • Capacity to support environmental recovery and resilience is strengthened.

Business and economy

State lead department

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions


The business and economy line of recovery works to support businesses and industry sectors impacted by disasters to recover and strengthen while ensuring employment opportunities are accessible and resilience is increased.

In collaboration with recovery partners, this includes the delivery of initiatives that help relieve immediate recovery needs of affected businesses, primary producers and industries, to set them on the path to recovery.

Recovery outcomes

  • Industries and businesses recover and leverage economic strengths and opportunities.
  • People participate in established and new employment opportunities.
  • Local economies have increased capacity to respond and adapt to any future disaster.

Buildings and infrastructure

State lead departments

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action - co-lead
Department of Transport and Planning - co-lead


The buildings and infrastructure line of recovery is responsible for coordinating the recovery efforts of partner agencies to restore essential community and statewide infrastructure safely and quickly.

This also includes supporting the rebuilding or repair of residential, commercial and agricultural properties and community facilities.

Recovery outcomes

  • Utilities and transport routes are restored and strengthened.
  • Public infrastructure is resilient and supports recovery.
  • Residential, commercial and agricultural property is rebuilt and improved.
