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Making a referral

Counselling via a participating headspace centre

The school contact person, student, or other person making the referral must call the number provided for their participating headspace centre during normal business hours. The headspace worker will then book the student in to the next available appointment for an intake session with a clinician.

For all referral methods, a school contact person is needed to ensure that the student can attend their appointment time and that they can support the student to access the appointment. This includes managing a student’s absence for the purpose of attending a counselling appointment or confirming that the student has access to a phone and a safe and confidential space for a remote appointment to take place.

As per the consent form, headspace will require the student’s personal phone number and email address, the address where the student will be located during the appointment and the contact details of a trusted adult, in the event that there are risk or safety concerns during the voice or video conference session and they require face to face support to ensure their safety.

To find your school's participating headspace centre visit

Regional Telehealth Counselling Service

The school contact person, student, or other person making the referral must call the dedicated and direct phone line on 1800 959 050 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday during school term to book in an appointment.

If the session is taking place on school grounds it is important that the school provide a safe and confidential space and that school staff facilitate access to a phone. If the appointment is taking place in a remote learning environment, the school contact person should confirm that the student has access to a phone or computer, and provide advice on finding a safe and confidential space for the appointment to take place.

As per the consent form, headspace will require the student’s personal phone number and email address, the address where the student will be located during the appointment and the contact details of a trusted adult, in the event that there are risk or safety concerns during the phone session and they require face to face support to ensure their safety.
