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Our people vision

Our vision is for a workplace where every employee of Family Safety Victoria is valued, empowered, connected, inspired and growing.

We strive to create a workplace where people are:


  • People are valued not just for the work that they do, but the way that they do it.
  • There is consistency and fairness in the way that our organisational values are enacted by and for every person.
  • Differences are appreciated, and people are heard and respected equally regardless of position or organisational level.
  • All people are treated in a culturally safe and respectful manner, free from unconscious bias, discrimination and racism.
  • Employees feel psychologically safe and wellbeing is valued equally to productivity and output.
  • Employees’ passion, generosity and goodwill are channelled in a meaningful way and not over-drawn.


  • Employees have a strong voice, with opportunities to demonstrate leadership at any level, to have visibility and access to information and be involved or informed about decisions that directly affect them and their work.
  • Courageous, transparent and meaningful communication about things that are and are not working well is welcomed .
  • Employees are trusted and supported to work autonomously and outcomes are achieved through collaboration.


  • Employees and workgroups enjoy being connected to each other and work to communicate, share information and break down silos.
  • Employees see and hear more from their leaders and CEO and understand how their work fits into the big picture.
  • Employees feel a sense of belonging and community and are able to see, hear, support, have fun, and celebrate successes with each other.
  • Connections are encouraged with The Orange Door and the impact they are creating.


  • There is a clear organisational vision and a shared identity to feel proud of, that recognises our uniqueness as an organisation.
  • Employees feel a connection with the vision of ending family violence and understand the broader meaning and purpose of their work, including through stories of positive impact from the frontline.
  • Leadership is authentic, humble, open, passionate, committed, and embraces innovation.
  • The principles of family violence reform are modelled by Family Safety Victoria in the way we do our work, both internally and externally.


  • Employees are supported to develop the capabilities they need to excel in their roles and to demonstrate Family Safety Victoria’s ways of working, including an understanding of family violence, intersectionality, cultural safety, and Aboriginal self-determination.
  • There is a learning culture that encourages innovation and recognises mistakes as learning opportunities, not failures; employees are able to try new things and grow through their experiences.
  • The professional growth and career progression of employees is a priority; employees feel challenged and are able to share and expand their knowledge, skills, and expertise.
  • There is regular access to best practice research and collaborative learning with the sector.
