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Executive summary

Summary of findings from the independent evaluation of The Orange Door.

Family Safety Victoria (FSV) commissioned an independent evaluation of The Orange Door, as part of our commitment to continually improve and apply key insights from early implementation to ensure we are making a difference and delivering better outcomes for people who need help and support.

The scope of the evaluation focused primarily on systems, practices and processes in the first 4 areas where The Orange Door has been established. FSV is committed to applying the key findings and opportunities identified in the evaluation, in partnership with community service organisations and Aboriginal services who partner to form The Orange Door.

The evaluation acknowledges the significance of The Orange Door in addressing family violence and child wellbeing and vulnerability in the broader service system, and the challenges of implementing large, complex reforms on an unprecedented scale. The evaluation commends FSV’s commitment to quality improvement at the very early stages of the implementation of these reforms.

The evaluation found strong commitment to The Orange Door vision and service model and positive practices around collaboration (including multi-disciplinary working) and information sharing. FSV will leverage these key findings to address related opportunities for improvement including:

  • improving shared understanding and implementation of integrated practice
  • improving monitoring of client outcomes and experience of the service system
  • acknowledging the role of the Central Information Point in improving information-sharing, risk management and client safety
  • application of client-centric approaches, more seamless service delivery and continued commitment to self-determination, choice and cultural safety for Aboriginal people

The evaluation identified key opportunities for improvement related to operational and implementation considerations for The Orange Door in both existing and new areas, including:

  • operationalising aspects of The Orange Door in practice including key concepts, tools and processes
  • continued strengthening of change management processes for establishment activities and broader implementation
  • enhancing the integration of all services within The Orange Door, particularly men’s/perpetrator services

A comprehensive overview of actions and initiatives undertaken by FSV in response to the evaluation’s findings and opportunities for improvement are outlined in the key themes section below, and is summarised in an acquittal table at Appendix 1.

The evaluation was undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers Indigenous Consulting (PIC) and the Australian Catholic University’s (ACU) Institute of Child Protection Studies.
