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Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms for the Rolling Action Plan 2020-2023

ACCO Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation
CALD culturally and linguistically diverse
CIP Central Information Point
CISS Child Information Sharing Scheme
CMCOP Court Mandated Counselling Order Program
CSA Crime Statistics Agency
CSV Court Services Victoria
DET Department of Education and Training
DFFH Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
Dhelk Dja Aboriginal-led agreement to address family violence in Aboriginal communities
DH Department of Health
DJCS Department of Justice and Community Safety
Djirra An Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that provides practical support to all Aboriginal women and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past
DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet
EACPI Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions
FSV Family Safety Victoria
FVIO Family Violence Intervention Order
FVISS Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme
FVOF Family Violence Outcomes Framework
FVSN Family Violence Safety Notice
L17 Victoria Police Risk Assessment and Management Report
LGBTIQ+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender diverse, intersex and queer
MARAM Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework
Nargneit Birrang Aboriginal holistic healing framework for family violence
OfW Office for Women
Umalek Balit Court-based Koori Family Violence and Victim Support Program
VAGO Victorian Auditor-General's Office
Vic Govt Victorian Government
VLA Victoria Legal Aid

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