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Financial support for rebuilding after the 2019–20 bushfires

Your local Rebuild Support Service (RSS) is here to help  

The RSS is a free one-stop shop that provides support to people who are rebuilding.

To get started, contact your local Rebuild Support Service:

East Gippsland Shire

Towong Shire

Rebuilding after a bushfire is a big job. Everybody has different circumstances and will make different choices, and that’s okay.

We know that not everyone wants to rebuild straight away. You can access supports when you are ready.

Financial counselling

As you look at rebuilding, there is a lot to think about in terms of financing the build, accessing or drawing on insurance, and managing old and new debt obligations. Having structured, unbiased, professional assistance with understanding those issues will go a long way to ensuring you are set up to do the rebuild on a sound and sustainable basis.

A financial counsellor can provide you with an overall financial health check, and help you to:

  • review and understand your insurance options
  • access relief for utility bills and other payments
  • negotiate with your bank on debt issues
  • explore your options and can advocate on your behalf.

Speaking to a financial counsellor early can help stabilise your finances, reduce stress and allow you to focus on other areas.


The Victorian and Australian Governments have made up to $32,500 in rebates available for landowners whose properties were destroyed or significantly damaged by the 2019–20 Eastern Victorian bushfires.

There are 2 rebate programs available:

  • planning and building assistance rebate program
  • rainwater and septic tank replacement program.

You can read rebate program guidelines and apply on the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action website.

Planning and building assistance rebate program

This program offers rebates for professional services and property-based assessments and advice you need to support a planning or building permit application to rebuild or repair a dwelling.

This rebate provides up to $5,000 per affected property, for services such as:

  • preparation of a concept plan
  • preparation of a planning permit application report and any related supporting technical reports, including those related to bushfire planning or hazard assessments and other environmental considerations
  • land surveying, building set out, civil or structural engineering reports or equivalent
  • arborist reports
  • planning consultant fees
  • building permit fees.

Applicants can submit multiple applications for rebates; however, the total value of your rebates will not exceed $5,000.

A rebate for geotechnical assessments is also available under this program. This program provides rebates for up to 80% of the cost of:

  • a standard soil report to support an application for a Building Permit, up to a maximum of $400.
  • a full geotechnical assessment, to satisfy the requirements of either:
    - the Erosion Management Overlay in the East Gippsland Planning Scheme to the satisfaction of the East Gippsland Shire Council, up to a maximum of $2,000, or
    - the Steep Land local policy of the Towong Planning Scheme for a proposed building site with slope of 20% or greater, to the satisfaction of the Towong Shire Council, up to a maximum of $2,000.

The support will be provided as a one-off rebate payment to eligible applicants for 80% of the cost of a geotechnical assessment required under the planning scheme, up to a maximum amount.

Rainwater and septic tank replacement program

This program helps replace rainwater and septic tanks on impacted properties. This builds longer term resilience and sustainability for households by supporting the purchase and installation of rainwater tanks and septic systems that meet current Australian standards and local council requirements.

The rebate covers:

  • up to half the cost of purchasing and installing a new:
    - primary use rainwater tank system to residents rebuilding homes, up to a maximum of $3,000
    - water tank for firefighting purposes, or the installations of appropriate outlets to your current water tank, up to a maximum of $3,000
    - primary use septic tank system to residents rebuilding homes, up to a maximum of $15,000.
  • the full cost of:
    - the initial refill of the rainwater tank installed as part of this program, up to a maximum of $500
    - assessments required for council approval to install or alter a septic system, including condition reports undertaken by a qualified plumber and Land Capability Assessments, up to a maximum of $1,500
    - any minor repairs or reconnections required up to a maximum of $2,500: if the tank systems are relatively undamaged and comply with current standards; or any work or reconnection fees required to reconnect to a reticulated (water mains or sewerage) system
    - any minor repairs or reconnections required if the tank systems are relatively undamaged and comply with current standards, up to a maximum of $2,500.
  • relevant associated costs, up to the maximum outlined above, including:
    - purchase of a rainwater or septic tank system
    - purchase of associated plumbing and materials connected to the system
    - installation costs and delivery charges.
