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About Emergency Recovery Victoria

Find out more about us, who we are and what we do.

About us

Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) is a permanent and dedicated agency that leads state and regional recovery coordination, and state relief, on behalf of the Victorian Government.

We coordinate real, effective and timely recovery support for communities after an emergency. We do this by working directly with:

  • affected communities
  • all levels of government
  • agencies
  • industry.

We provide strategic leadership on whole-of-government recovery activities. We also support locally-led recovery efforts and councils, ensuring that community needs are at the centre of recovery.

Our trauma-informed approach is person-centred. This ensures that recovery efforts support people, places, and the environment to be stronger and more resilient after emergencies.

Our values

Our staff have unique and wide-ranging capabilities to successfully lead the planning and coordination of the government’s recovery efforts.

We believe individuals, communities and regions are stronger and more resilient through community-led recovery.

Our values underpin our inclusive and collaborative culture where our people can be at their best. This means feeling safe, happy and well. Our staff are purpose-driven and values-based leaders. They part with the community, ensuring people feel listened to and comfortable seeking support in their recovery.


Emergency Recovery Victoria was established in January 2020 as Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV). BRV coordinated recovery from the devastating 2019–20 Eastern Victorian bushfires.

In June 2021, BRV coordinated the clean-up and recovery from the June 2021 floods and storms. This event caused damage and disconnection across 39 local government areas.

In October 2022, Bushfire Recovery Victoria transitioned to Emergency Recovery Victoria. This followed a recommendation from the Inspector-General for Emergency Management (IGEM) Inquiry into the 2019-20 Victorian Fire Season – Phase 2 report.

This transition coincided with the October 2022 Victorian floods. We continue to coordinate recovery for this emergency across 63 local government areas and one alpine resort.

As Emergency Recovery Victoria, we continue to build on the work, expertise and experience of BRV.


Mariela Diaz is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Emergency Recovery Victoria. Mariela was instrumental in the establishment of Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) following the 2019-20 Eastern Victorian bushfires. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in emergency management and people-centred service delivery to the role.

Mariela has 30 years of experience in diverse public and private sector roles. She has a demonstrated history of values-based leadership, with a community-focused approach.

Mariela is committed to ensuring communities, families, and local businesses impacted by all emergencies are supported during every step of their recovery journey.
