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Review process

What is the timeframe for the review?

Section 4G of the Act requires the Panel to conduct reviews of the FRV fire district boundaries at least once every four years. Further, the Panel is also required to conduct reviews of any FRV fire district boundaries within a specified timeframe upon the request of the Minister.

The current four-year review period commenced on 1 July 2020 and will be completed by 30 June 2024.

How will changes to the FRV fire district boundaries be decided?

The Panel will conduct risk assessments, based on key risk drivers, and consult with relevant stakeholders in order to determine whether any FRV fire district boundaries need to be changed.

Once the risk assessments and consultations are complete, the Panel will publish the determination of proposed changes to the FRV fire district boundaries in the Victorian Government Gazette.

The CFA will be provided further opportunity to advise on their support arrangements to volunteer brigades to ensure that they have the capacity to respond effectively to the change in fire risk prior to the Panel reporting its recommendations to the Minister.

The final determination on any changes to the FRV fire district boundaries will be made by the Minister.
