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Funding priorities

The JCSIP grant program is an open and competitive program assessed on eligibility and merit. The Department of Premier and Cabinet (the Department) is delivering the program.

The program will prioritise providing funding support of smaller Jewish community groups and organisations which are operating with less secure facilities for the community.

Larger organisations and those seeking to upgrade significantly dated security infrastructure are not excluded and remain welcome to apply.

The program’s funding priorities and assessment process will prioritise applications when the proposed project specifically benefits:

  • smaller organisations and their facilities such as community halls, centres and hubs.
  • facilities which currently have no, outdated or very little security infrastructure in place.

Project locations must be in Victoria.

Merit-based assessment

The JCSIP grant program is an open and competitive program assessed on eligibility and merit. The Department of Premier and Cabinet (the department) is delivering the program.

Not all applications will be successful. Only the most competitive will be offered funding. Some successful applications may only be offered part of the funding amount requested.

Applicants can strengthen their applications by responding carefully to all questions in the application form and providing strong evidence of both the need for their project and the project’s expected impact. High-scoring applications are likely to:

  • Answer all questions, providing data to strengthen the response.
  • Provide all the mandatory documents and the additional documents (only applications providing all the mandatory documents will be assessed).
  • Ensure the required Project Plan document clearly describes the activities for which funding is sought, confirms the selected contractor/s and timelines to do the work and that the Project Plan information matches all the attached mandatory quotes.
  • If available, provide a current or recent Threat Assessment for the project facility.
  • Show strong, regular usage of the project facility by community members and groups (using the mandatory Timetable of Facility Use document).
