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Judging process – Learn Local Awards

The ACFE Board will conduct an objective and multi-tiered judging process.

The ACFE Board will conduct an objective and multi-tiered judging process including the below key elements:

  1. There will be either two or three panels that will review between two and four award categories each.
  2. On each panel, there will be three judges, including a representative from the ACFE Board, ACFE Regional Council and Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions. Judges are rotated every one to 2 years.
  3. All judges must agree to a confidentiality agreement before the judging process begins. Judges must also declare any conflicts of interest as soon as they arise. Any potential or perceived conflicts of interest are managed according to the ACFE Board’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
  4. There are 3 judging stages:

Stage 1 – Online shortlisting. Each judge undertakes an individual assessment of each nomination in their assigned award categories. Nominations are scored using the below scoring five-point matrices. No half-point scores are available.

The judging weighting for each award is as follows:

  • Criterion 1 responses (30%)
  • Criterion 2 responses (30%)
  • Criterion 3 responses (30%)
  • Supporting Evidence (10%)
ScoreScore weighting to be used for selection criteria responses
1. UnsatisfactoryDid not meet any of the selection criteria
2. Satisfactory Met some of the selection criteria
3. GoodMet most of the selection criteria to a good standard
4. Very good Met the selection criteria to a very good standard
5. Exceeds expectationsWent ‘above and beyond’ in responses to selection criteria
ScoreScore weighting to be used for supporting evidence
1. UnsatisfactoryLacked evidence to support nomination
2. Satisfactory Provided some evidence to support nomination
3. GoodProvided evidence to support nomination to a good standard
4. Very good Provided evidence to support nomination to a very good standard
5. Exceeds expectationsWent ‘above and beyond’ in the provision of supporting evidence

Stage 2 – Panel shortlisting. Each panel then meets for a collaborative assessment to choose the finalists for each award category. In some cases, a clear winner may be identified at this stage and finalist interviews will not be held. This is at the discretion of the relevant judging panel.

Stage 3 – Finalist interviews. The final step of the process is the interview stage, where finalists are interviewed, and the panel collectively choose the winner. The same set of questions is presented to each finalist to ensure consistency across the finalist interviews.

For further information, please send an email to:
