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Megawombat drawing telling - teaching demonstration

The educator facilitates children’s reflection on the storytelling experience in which they have just participated.

In this video, the educator facilitates children’s reflection on the storytelling experience in which they have just participated.

The educator encourages discussion, provides writing materials for children to express their ideas through drawing telling, and captures each of their additional narrations and descriptions if the children want to add further meaning to their drawing.

Watch on Vimeo Megawombat drawing telling (opens in new window)(opens in a new window).

Reflective practice


  • The educator’s introduction to the experience and how she links it to the previous storytelling experience.
  • The reasons for choosing megafauna as the theme for the story.
  • The ways that the educator encourages children to express their ideas independently when they are drawing their stories.
  • How the educator shows interest in the children’s drawing tellings.
  • The children’s interest in having their words written down to add further meaning to their stories.

Reflection questions

  • What types of questions does the educator use to link children’s ideas to previous learning experiences?
  • What is the rationale for making the story about baby animals?
  • How does the educator scaffold children’s understanding of the size of the megafauna?
  • How does the educator use open-ended questions to help children describe parts of their story?
  • What do you think the rationale is for annotating children’s work in this video?

In this video, the educator annotates parts of the children’s work in order to “capture” their ideas and narrations. This part of the experience has become part of their routine practice in certain drawing experiences, but is only used when children are comfortable and happy to co-create their work with the educator.

Educators should judge based on their learning contexts and relationships with children, whether their addition of text to capture the narrations and descriptions of children is appropriate. When children are happy to “co-construct” written work together with educators, it can act as an important way to extend upon children’s drawings with scaffolding from educators.

Learning experience plan

This learning experience plan relates to:

  • emergent literacy
  • language and emergent literacy learners (30 - 60 months)
  • learning foci: making meaning and expressing ideas (emergent literacy), exploring and creating texts
  • teaching practices: writing with children, independent reading and writing.

Outcome 5: communication

Children engage with a range of texts and get meaning from these texts:

  • recognise and engage with written and oral culturally constructed texts.

Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media:

  • experiment with ways of expressing ideas and meaning using a range of media.

Victorian curriculum levels F-2: literature

Share feelings and thoughts about the events and characters in texts.

Learning intentions

  • Facilitating children’s expression of their own stories in response to the previous storytelling experience.
  • Extending children’s meaning making from the previous experience to create a new text.

Assessment of learning

This is demonstrated when children:

  • create their own stories using drawing telling, and provide further narrations/descriptions
  • participate in discussion about the concepts, characters, and events in the story.


  • large outside mat
  • paper
  • clipboards
  • pens/pencils.


Small group (2-5 children).

Experience process

Before the experience

Children participate in a storytelling experience.

Provide writing materials and invite them to reflect on the storytelling experience, and create their own drawing telling story in response.

Invite children to discuss ideas and concepts from the story, and relate it to everyday life, and previous learning experiences.

Provide prompts to ask children about the following parts of their drawing telling story:

  • setting
  • characters
  • events
  • character reactions and feelings
  • resolutions
  • themes or messages of their story.

Invite children to have their ideas captured as they describe their story. Children do not have to complete this part if they do not wish to. Alternatively, educators can use separate annotation cards to place underneath or next to children’s work instead of annotating onto the work directly:

  • As children provide their descriptions/narrations, try to write down their ideas down word-for-word to capture the language they use.

Going further

This experience can be extended by facilitating fine arts or performing arts experiences to explore the concepts in their stories further.

Additional and alternate resources

This experience can be adapted to any topic, theme, or interest of children. Depending on what the previous storytelling experience is about, children’s own drawing tellings can reflect anything that interests them.


Experience plans
