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Family Violence Capability Frameworks

Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Capability Frameworks for Quarter 3 2021-22.

What are the Family Violence Capability Frameworks and why are they being reviewed?

The Family Violence Prevention and Response Capability Frameworks provide the foundational skill set required to both deliver prevention of violence against women initiatives and respond to all of forms of family violence.

The Capability Frameworks are used to support workforce mapping, planning, capacity building, recruitment and learning and development. The frameworks are relevant for all workforces intersecting with family violence in Victoria.

The frameworks were developed in 2017 as ‘living documents’. This review is a key priority outlined in Building From Strength Rolling Action Plan (1.15). It is timely not to reflect on the capability uplift required across the system as identified by the MARAM Framework, Free from Violence strategy and other family violence reform over the last five years.

Building from Strength outlines that everybody has a role in family violence response and prevention, this will be reflected in the update of the frameworks.

What has been achieved so far?

FSV has developed a project plan, including approach to stakeholder engagement and the timelines for the completion of the review and associated update. FSV intend to complete the review by end December 2022, following which the two frameworks will be updated in 2023. In April 2022, a Working Group of key specialist peaks and agencies across prevention and response was established to drive the work of the capability frameworks review.

What is happening now?

A consult plan is being finalised with input from the working group, following which first round of consultations will be arranged.

What is planned next?

A round of targeted consultations with affected workforces across prevention and response are being planned for June/July as part of the review.
