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MARAM non-accredited training

Find the latest news and information about MARAM non-accredited training for Quarter 3 2022-23.

What training is being developed?

FSV is developing three training packages on Adults Using Family Violence (AUFV) to support prescribed MARAM workforces and their practitioners. The training packages will cover Identification, Intermediate and Comprehensive MARAM responsibilities.

What has been achieved so far?

The Identification training package and eLearn have been developed and are being finalised for release and delivery to practitioners, aimed to commence from June.

The high-level design of the Intermediate and Comprehensive training packages is being advanced with the participation of organisations with subject matter expertise for the next phase of development process. This ensures training packages embed Aboriginal cultural safety, are practically applicable to workforces, , are sensitive and respectful to victim survivors and their experiences, and support practitioners to achieve key capabilities required when working with adults using family violence.

Subject matter experts are from the following organsiations:

  • Boorndawan Willam Aboriginal Healing Service
  • No to Violence
  • Safe and Equal
  • Uniting Vic. Tas
  • Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency

What is happening now?

The evaluation process for the Request for Tender (RFT) to appoint a training provider for non-accredited AUFV training is nearing its conclusion.

Detailed design workshops with the participation of subject matter experts to further develop the Intermediate and Comprehensive resources are scheduled for June and July 2023.

Parallel procurement planning activities are underway for the development of eLearns for Intermediate and Comprehensive modules.

Planning for delivery rollout across government.

What is planned next?

  • Commencement of delivery of Identification training
  • eLearn development and rollout
  • Intermediate and Comprehensive training piloting ahead of an intended September 2023 release
