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Feedback opportunity: Digitally Recorded Evidence-in-Chief (DREC) trial

An opportunity to provide feedback on the evaluation of the Digitally Recorded Evidence-in-Chief (DREC) expanded, phased trial.

The Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) is undertaking an evaluation of the expanded, phased trial use of digitally recorded statements by family violence victim survivors using police issued body-worn cameras (referred to as DRECs). This initiative and its evaluation are a continuation of recommendation 58 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The evaluators are interested in hearing from stakeholders who have had exposure to DREC in their work. They are keen to understand the experience supporting victim survivors who have provided a DREC, particularly with regards to impacts on workload and on victim survivors. Feedback will be incorporated into findings and recommendations that will inform the continuation of DREC across Victoria as well as legislation around the use of DRECs in court.

Stakeholders can complete a survey, participate in a consultation, or refer interested victim survivors (who have given a DREC or declined a DREC) that they work with to participate in an interview. Victim survivors who participate in an interview receive a $50 visa voucher for their time.

Victim survivors can register their interest or contact the lead evaluator Madeleine Kapira directly by emailing

Survey links for other stakeholder groups:

This round of consultations will end on Wednesday 31 August 2022.

For more information on the DREC evaluation or to make a referral, please contact the lead evaluator Madeleine Kapira by emailing
