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Department of Health MARAM implementation

Find the latest news and information about Department of Health's MARAM implementation activities for Quarter 4 2022-23.

Department of Health MARAM Implementation

Publication of factsheet - MARAM secondary consultations and referrals - advice for health professionals

The Department of Health published a new factsheet for health professionals with advice about secondary consultations and referrals under the Family Violence Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework.

The factsheet summarises MARAM Practice Guide - Responsibility 5: Secondary consultation and referral, including for comprehensive family violence assessment and management response and advises health professionals can seek advice and support about how to recognise and respond to family violence via a secondary consultation. It also provides advice about making a referral and includes:

  • how a secondary consultation can assist who to seek a secondary consultation with
  • how to make referrals
  • advice on consent

The factsheet is on the Department of Health family violence webpage along with other resources about MARAM and information sharing. See MARAM resources – factsheet -  MARAM secondary consultations and referrals - advice for health professionals.

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