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Family Violence Capability Frameworks

Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Capability Frameworks for Quarter 4 2023-24.

Why are the Family Violence Capability Frameworks being reviewed?

The Family Violence Prevention and Response Capability Frameworks provide the foundational skill set required to both deliver prevention of family violence and violence against women initiatives and respond to all forms of family violence.

The review is intended to reflect the capability uplift and learnings undertaken since the framework’s original release, including capturing new evidence and best practice, whilst also seeking to establish an implementation approach that clarifies and increases their utility across the workforce. The review will consider the alignment between the prevention and response frameworks, recognising that prevention and response work is distinct but complementary.

What is happening now?

The Centre for Workforce Excellence (CWE) are finalising the draft of the Response Capability Framework. The framework is being finalised with a focus on useability and is expected for release later in 2024.

CWE are continuing work on the revision of the Prevention Capability Framework in collaboration with Safe and Equal and the Prevention workforce. The revised Prevention Capability Framework is due for release late 2024, early 2025.
