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Members of Parliament salaries and allowances

The Tribunal is responsible for setting the salaries and allowances for Members of the Parliament of Victoria (MPs) and for making guidelines relating to the use of some parliamentary allowances.

Values of MP salaries and allowances from 1 July 2024

Determination in effect

On 20 June 2023, and in accordance with section 17 of the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 (Vic) (VIRTIPS Act), the Tribunal made the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023.

The Tribunal is required to make an annual adjustment to the values of salaries and allowances set in the 2023 Determination. On 1 July 2024, the Tribunal made the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2024. The Determination adjusts the values of MP salaries, allowances and the EO&C Budget with effect from 1 July 2024.

Consolidated version of the Determination

For ease of reference, the Tribunal has published a consolidated version of the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023, incorporating changes made by the 2024 Annual Adjustment Determination:

Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023 as varied by [2024] DMPA 01
PDF 282.21 KB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible version - Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023 as varied by [2024] DMPA 01
Word 76.02 KB
(opens in a new window)

Guidelines in effect from 13 September 2024

Under section 36 of the VIRTIPS Act, the Tribunal has the power to make guidelines for, or with respect to, the:

  • parliamentary accommodation sitting allowance
  • travel allowance
  • international travel allowance
  • commercial transport allowance
  • Electorate Office and Communications Budget (EO&C Budget).

The Tribunal's Guidelines should be read together with the Determination in effect at the time.

On 6 September 2024 the Tribunal made updates to its Members of Parliament Guidelines. The changes clarify that the EO&C Budget may be used for uniforms for electorate officers and volunteers, additional parking and associated tax liabilities, and storage lockers or facilities. The changes also allow an MP to use the EO&C Budget for freedom of information requests lodged to assist in providing information on an issue that directly impacts their constituency.

The updated Guidelines (available below) are effective from 13 September 2024.

Members of Parliament (Victoria) Guidelines No. 02 2024
PDF 339.52 KB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible version - Members of Parliament (Victoria) Guidelines No. 02 2024
Word 124.71 KB
(opens in a new window)

Previous Determinations

Visit the Members of Parliament 2019 Determination page to find information about previous Determinations and the values of salaries, allowances and the EO&C Budget which applied prior to 1 July 2024.
