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Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities – annual adjustment

The Tribunal is required to make annual adjustments to the remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities.

The Tribunal is required to make annual adjustments to the values of the remuneration bands set in its Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2020.

Annual Adjustment 2023

On 29 June 2023, the Tribunal made the Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2023. The Determination is effective from 1 July 2023.

The Tribunal determined to adjust the remuneration bands as follows:

  • a 4% increase was applied to the notional salary component of the remuneration bands
  • a further increase, ranging from $1,231 to $2,107, was applied, consistent with changes to supernannuation entitlements from 1 July 2023.

The Determination, including the Statement of Reasons, is available here:

Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2023
PDF 513.49 KB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible version - Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2023
Word 257.76 KB
(opens in a new window)

Before making the Determination, the Tribunal published notice of its intention to make a Determination, including details about the proposed Determination, and invited submissions.

The Tribunal received one confidential submission.

The notice of intention is available below.

Annual Adjustment 2022

On 22 June 2022, the Tribunal made the Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2022. The Determination took effect on 1 July 2022.

The Tribunal determined to adjust the remuneration bands as follows:

  • a 3.6% increase was applied to the notional salary component of the remuneration bands
  • a further increase, ranging from $1,110 to $1,919, was applied, consistent with changes to supernannuation entitlements from 1 July 2022.

The Determination, including the Statement of Reasons, is available here:

Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2022
PDF 1.22 MB
(opens in a new window)
Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2022
Word 315.11 KB
(opens in a new window)

As part of making the Determination, the Tribunal issued a notice of intention on 11 April 2022 which outlined the matters being considered by the Tribunal and invited submissions.

The Tribunal received three submissions.

Annual Adjustment 2021

On 18 November 2021, the Tribunal made the Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2021. The Determination took effect on 1 July 2021.

The Tribunal determined to adjust the remuneration bands as follows:

  • a 2.5% increase was applied to the notional salary component of the remuneration bands
  • a further increase, ranging from $925 to $1,874, was applied, consistent with changes to supernannuation entitlements from 1 July 2021.

The Determination, including the Statement of Reasons, is available here:

Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2021
PDF 397.73 KB
(opens in a new window)
Remuneration bands for executives employed in prescribed public entities (Victoria) Annual Adjustment Determination 2021
Word 732.36 KB
(opens in a new window)

As part of making the Determination, the Tribunal issued a notice of intention which outlined the matters being considered by the Tribunal and invited submissions. The Tribunal received submissions from interested parties. Each party that made a submission requested that it be published in a de-identified form. Sections of the submissions that identify the submitting party have been redacted.

Read the submissions

The notice of intention is available to read below.
