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What types of events and activities are funded?

The program can fund standalone events or a series of events.

All events must meet the objectives of this program by:

  • showcasing and sharing cultures and traditions
  • being accessible and free to attend by the broader Victorian community (promotional material for all events must show entry to the event is free).

The program can fund either standalone events lasting one day, or a series of events up to 30 days, if there's a clear cultural link and explanation in the application. Multiple events without a clear link or running over 30 days will not be supported.

The types of activities that will be considered include:

  • celebrations of significant cultural days
  • multicultural performances and cultural exhibitions
  • events that promote cultural dialogue and understanding across communities.

Organisations planning face-to-face events are encouraged to consider digital elements, for example, live-streaming, to extend the reach of their event to audiences across the state. Digital only events will not be supported through the program.
