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Understanding the workforce experience of the NDIS: longitudinal research project is a 3-year study that aims to build an understanding of the disability workforce’s experience of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Specifically, the research aims to understand the workforce’s perceptions of the NDIS and experience of transition, how the NDIS is impacting their work, and the skills and training the workforce needs under the NDIS.

This research will help the Victorian government better support the workforce during this time of unprecedented change. This research project forms a key component of Keeping our sector strong - Victoria’s Workforce Plan for the NDIS (the Plan) and more specifically its objective to build intelligence on the disability workforce.

The 2019 research was the second iteration of the study and it expanded on the intelligence gathered in 2018. This report presents key findings and recommendations from the second of three years of longitudinal research. The results highlight both the challenges faced by the workforce in transitioning to the new scheme, and a range of opportunities to support the workforce.

The research was commissioned by the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet1 and conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs, an independent research consultancy. Research has been guided by an Expert Advisory Panel (EAP), including representation from:

  • The Health and Community Services Union (HACSU)
  • VCOSS-RMIT Future Social Service Institute
  • National Disability Services
  • Carer Solutions Australia
  • 2 research participants
  • The Department of Health and Human Services


1 The workforce design team is now positioned within the Disability and Communities Branch of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). For the remainder of the report DHHS will be referenced where relevant.
