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What did we find?

Detailed findings from the 2020 study.


The research identified positive change to the experiences of the workforce compared to 2018 and 2019. Workers continue to be passionate about their clients and their work, and there is general support for the NDIS’s mission. Workers also consider that the NDIS has the potential to increase innovation and create new opportunities for workers. Self-reported levels of understanding and knowledge of the NDIS have also increased compared to previous study years. The proportion of the workforce who feel positive about the NDIS’s ability to improve disability services in the future, and to enhance workers ability to support their clients has steadily increased over the life of the study.

While there have been improvements, there was some frustration expressed by workers in 2020. For instance, qualitative findings suggest that some workers believed that the NDIS model is not well-suited to certain client groups, particularly those with high support needs.

Key findings about how the workforce felt about their work in relation to the NDIS, their understanding and general perceptions of the NDIS, and workforce retention are also detailed in this report. These findings are also followed by a spotlight section on health, safety, and wellbeing.
