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Ministerial Directions for public construction procurement

Understand a project’s requirements under the Ministerial Directions for Public Construction Procurement

Policy overview

The Ministerial Directions and Instructions for Public Construction Procurement (Directions and Instructions) apply to all procurement activities by Victorian Government departments and agencies, including TAFEs. The Directions are standards for public construction written by the responsible minister under the Public Construction Management Act 1994. The Instructions are issued by the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) and provide mandatory and more specific guidance in line with the Directions.

Public construction procurement means activities related to the engaging of tenderers to perform works or construction services:

  • works refer to works for construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, alteration, extension or demolition of any improvements on land, and
  • construction services refer to services required to support the delivery of the works, such as design services. Construction services do not include indirect services such as commercial and legal advice.

These Directions focus on achieving the Victorian Government’s principles for public construction procurement including value for money, scalability and ensuring appropriate competition and contestability.

Project requirements

A project’s requirements under the Directions are independent of the its funding source and will vary, depending on its dollar value.

Once the project budget has been determined, you will be able to understand its requirements under the Directions. This may assist with project planning.

Further guidance on the complete requirements of all projects under the Directions and Instructions is available.

Works or construction services by project value
