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Local jobs first policy compliance

Learn about project requirements under the Local Jobs First Policy which includes the Victorian Industry Participation Policy and Major Project Skills Guarantee.

Policy overview

The Local Jobs First Policy consists of the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) and the Major Project Skills Guarantee (MPSG). The VIPP ensures that small and medium enterprises are provided an opportunity to compete for Victorian Government contracts. The MPSG ensures that a percentage of total hours worked on construction projects is undertaken by apprentices, trainees and cadets.

Applying the VIPP and MPSG

The VIPP applies to all Local Jobs First standard projects and Local Jobs First strategic projects. These are defined in the table below:

Project ValueClassification
Regional construction project with a project value over $1m or as determined to be a standard project by the Minister*Local Jobs First standard project
Metropolitan or state-wide construction project with a project value over $3m or as determined to be a standard project by the Minister*Local Jobs First standard project
Projects valued over $50m or as determined to be a strategic project by the Minister*Local Jobs First strategic project

* The Local Jobs First Act 2003 is jointly and severally administered by the Minister for Jobs and Industry and the Minister for Employment.

The MPSG will apply to all Local Jobs First projects valued at over $20m.

Requirements under VIPP and MPSG will apply regardless of the source of project funding (State Government appropriations, internal TAFE funding, grants or other contributions).

Tender requirements for both VIPP and MPSG should be included in RFT (or RFP) documentation to allow tenderers to understand their requirements under the Local Jobs First Policy.
