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Foreword from the Chief Executive Officer

This 2021-22 Annual Report covers another important operational period in the delivery of family violence reform across Victoria, with The Orange Door network significantly expanding the delivery of services during this year.

By the end of the 2021-22 reporting period, The Orange Door network operated across 15 locations including Barwon, Bayside Peninsula, Central Highlands, Hume Moreland, Inner Eastern Melbourne, Inner Gippsland, Loddon and Goulburn, Mallee, North Eastern Melbourne, Outer Eastern Melbourne, Outer Gippsland, Ovens Murray, South West (Wimmera South West) and Southern Melbourne. Primary sites in these areas were complimented by 14 operational access points.

As at the end of this reporting period, Family Safety Victoria was on track to ensure all areas across Victoria would have access to The Orange Door network, with remaining sites planned for Wimmera, Brimbank Melton and Western Melbourne commencing September and October 2022.

The considerable expansion of The Orange Door network has broadened the reach of service delivery to the Victorian public in 2021-22. Throughout the year, over 106,000 referrals were received, a 60.2% increase compared to the previous year. Over half of the referrals received included at least one child.

Since first opening in 2018, The Orange Door network has assisted more than 239,000 Victorians, including more than 95,000 children to access immediate and longer term supports ranging from crisis support, practical help, advocacy and counselling in the community.

This report demonstrates the continued strengthening of local collaboration between specialist family violence services, perpetrator services, children and family services, Aboriginal services, and targeted services for multicultural communities.

It is a testament to all our partner organisations and the efforts of the wider family violence, child and family services workforce that we find ourselves at this important turning point, in the provision of services to victim survivors and affected family members across the state. I again thank our colleagues from across the sector for their dedication and commitment.

Kelly Stanton

Acting CEO, Family Safety Victoria
