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Note 2: Funding delivery of our services

Notes to the financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2019.


This note presents the sources and amounts of income to the Authority, and the accounting policies that are relevant for an understanding of the items reported in the financial statements.

Income is recognised to the extent it is probable the economic benefits will flow to the Authority and the income can be reliably measured at fair value.


  • 2.1 Summary of income that funds the delivery of our services
  • 2.2 Income from transactions
    • 2.2.1 Grants
Notes 2019

2.1 Summary of income that funds the delivery of our services

Government grants 1,820

Income is recognised net of goods and services tax (GST) to the extent it is probable the economic benefits will flow to the Authority and the income can be reliably measured at fair value. Where applicable, amounts disclosed as income are net of returns, allowances, duties and taxes.

Notes 2019

2.2 Income from transactions

2.2.1 Grants

Department of Health and Human Services 1,519
Department of Premier and Cabinet 301

Grant income arises from transactions in which a party provides goods or assets (or extinguishes a liability) to the Authority without receiving approximately equal value in return. While grants may result in the provision of some goods or services to the transferring party, they do not provide a claim to receive benefits directly of approximately equal value (and are termed ‘nonreciprocal’ transfers). Receipt and sacrifice of approximately equal value may occur, but only by coincidence.
