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Rebuilding after the storm

Marilyn and Michael were forced to escape their Kalorama home of 15 years when it was hit by the June 2021 Flood and Storm.

Warning: The content on this page discusses floods, storms, and bushfires.

This may be distressing for some individuals.

If you or someone you know is struggling with the emotional effects of these events, please see our Mental health and wellbeing support page.

The June 2021 Flood and Storm had a devastating impact on many communities and individuals, including Michael and Marilyn whose home was destroyed.

On the night of 9 June 2021, Marilyn and Michael were forced to escape their Kalorama home of 15 years. They recall the events of the night, where the glass in the kitchen started to blow out and as Marilyn was heading downstairs, a tree fell dangerously close to her.

They were able to escape the house but weren’t safe in the carport with all the trees coming down. The rest of the night and into the next day was spent trying to protect their property while staying safe.

So many trees fell on their property, in their yard and on their house. To see the place the next day was overwhelming.

When they were linked with Emergency Recovery Victoria's (ERV) Residential Flood and Storm Clean-up program, they were relieved to learn about the support available.

In partnership with Johns Lyng Group, the Clean-up program covers the demolition and removal of structures on eligible properties that were damaged beyond repair on 9 and 10 June, like Michael and Marilyn’s home.

“What they’ve put together here to get the trees off the house without doing further damage to it… We so appreciate it. To have the support of ERV is heartening and rewarding.” Michael

Learn more about Marilyn and Michael's experience by watching the video below.

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