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Annex 2: Performance reporting

The Conservation Regulator will report in October each year on its performance for the previous financial year. This will include information on guidelines and standards published, engagement activities, enforcement action taken, and the results of any prosecutions conducted.

While the Conservation Regulator is still developing processes and targets for our risk-based compliance monitoring program, in the future we hope to be able to set targets as to the number and/or percentage of compliance monitoring activities or particular permission types.

At this stage, the Conservation Regulator will improve its transparency by reporting the number of activities it undertakes in these areas.

Activity reporting Value

Wildlife permission by type issued


Proportion of Wildlife Licence Holders that submitted their required annual return

Number or percentage

Set standards, inform and educate, supporting compliance

A descriptive report to be published annually providing qualitative measures of performance in these areas. Content may include:

  • Number of standards and guidelines published.
  • Availability of ‘how to apply for a licence, permit or authorisation’ information sheets published on our website.
  • Availability of ‘how to comply with a licence, permit or authorisation’ or ‘how to comply with the law’ information sheets published on our website.
  • Education campaigns (either new or ongoing) delivered to achieve a common understanding of the regulatory objectives and requirements.
  • Reach at events attended to assist regulated entities understand how to comply with the law.
  • Number of instances where regulated entities were provided with specific information on how to comply with law either face to face or in writing.

Descriptive report (incorporated within the Conservation Regulator’s ‘Year in Review’ publication).

Monitoring compliance

Number of licence, permit and property inspections conducted to determine compliance with conditions


Enforcement of the law

Number of times Infringement Notices issued and number of prosecutions commenced in response to non-compliance, in line with the Conservation Regulator Compliance and Enforcement Policy


Number of contacts received and assessed by our Customer Contract Centre concerning wildlife

