- government and non-government schools
- kindergartens
- long daycare
- relevant non-government school system bodies
- out of school hours care
- student disengagement and wellbeing services and programs funded by The Department of Education and Training
- the Department of Education and Training to the extent it delivers child health and wellbeing services
- doctors in schools
- Ambulance Victoria (including contracted services)
- community health services
- community housing organisations, including Tenancy Plus programs
- community-managed mental health services
- forensic disability
- complex needs coordinators (MACNI)
- family records and intercountry services
- Refugee Minor program
- publicly funded metropolitan, regional and rural health services
- public health services
- denominational hospitals
- public hospitals
- publicly funded early parenting centres
- state-funded aged care services
- supported playgroups
- multicultural and settlement support services
- Children’s Court
- Magistrates’ Court
- Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
- Victorian Institute of Teaching
- Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
- general practitioners
- general Practice Nurses
- Parentline (MARAM only)
- Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria