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SDP options

Understand your options when using Single Digital Presence.

We offer you two ways to help you publish your web content. You can have a website on or a custom website.

1. A website on

Ideal for most Victorian Government content.

Join the majority of Victorian Government content on a powerful and cost-effective centralised platform.


  • ideal for most Victorian Government content
  • rapid delivery
  • uses the citizen-tested and recognised brand
  • leverages common infrastructure, services, and features
  • publisher training.


  • a uniform user experience that aligns with other content and improved discoverability through search results on and search engines
  • saves you money through shared resources and infrastructure
  • removes the IT burden from you.

Example use cases

A department/agency that:

  • may have a limited IT budget and wants to be cost-efficient
  • is operating a campaign or short-term project
  • needs standard publishing features
  • prefers not to handle extensive IT management and procurement overheads
  • regularly communicates standard public announcements.

Who is using

Departments such as Department of Premier and Cabinet, Department of Education and Department of Transport and Planning.

High profile advertising campaigns such as Sick Pay Guarantee and Teach the Future.

Organisations such as Wage Inspectorate Victoria, Family Safety Victoria and Cladding Safety Victoria

2. Your own custom website

Where doesn’t meet your needs - establish your own distinct identity with enhanced customisation, branding, and control over your data.


Suitable for when you have specific organisational needs, or have mature digital service capabilities.


  • customised design flexibility
  • greater control over data collection, storage, and handling
  • you can choose whether we manage the technology and hosting, you manage it, or you have a vendor manage it for you
  • publisher training and developer docs.


  • reflect your approved brand's style
  • manage your sensitive data
  • greater control and overall management of the platform.

Example use cases

A department/agency that may:

  • need to retain independence but still take advantage of proximity to other Victorian Government content
  • seeks a tailored digital solution specific to its needs
  • manages highly sensitive data
  • has authorised requirements for custom design.

Who has a custom website?

Departments such as Department of Health.

Organisations such as Victoria Police, Fire Rescue Victoria and Solar Victoria.
