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Accommodation and food services

If you’re passionate about food, travel and experiences, and you love working with people, then a career in the accommodation and food services industry might be perfect for you.

The industry provides Victorians with a range of jobs and opportunities, from entry-level positions with growth pathways through to managerial roles. It’s forecast that 32,258 new accommodation and food services workers will be needed in Victoria by 2026.*

The most common roles in the industry are waiter, bar attendant, barista, kitchen hand and chef, but there are many more. In some cases, you can develop the skills required to work in your role by learning on the job. However, Vocational Education and Training (VET) can help advance your career.

Explore the information below to learn more about working in the accommodation and food services industry.

Training and careers in accommodation and food services

Accommodation and food services career stories

Explore growing industries in your region
