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Stay updated on the latest news about teaching in Victoria

Victorian Government announcements, news and updates about teaching in Victoria.

Victorian Government announcements, news and updates about teaching in Victoria.

Scholarships for secondary teaching degrees

You may be eligible for a scholarship if you enrol in a Victorian secondary school teaching degree for the first time in 2024 and 2025.

You can also access extra payments if you pass your program and then teach for two years in a Victorian government secondary or specialist school setting.

These payments are up to the standard student fees for a Commonwealth Supported Place in a secondary teacher education degree.

To find out more, visit Scholarships for secondary teaching degrees.

Targeted financial incentives

Funding available to help teachers to relocate and fill hard to staff positions in schools. Incentive payments are offered to teachers meeting a set of eligibility criteria.

To find out more, visit Targeted initiative to attract more teachers.
