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Strategic Framework

Refer to the Glossary for an explanation of terms and acronyms used on this page.

Key to headings below:

  • Strategic priorities (ERV lead area) include OCEO, SPED, SCOD, RCOD, TTF/Corporate
  • Recovery outcomes include P and W, ACH, E and B, B and E, B and I
  • Self determination enablers are taken from the Self-Determination Reform Framework, Victoria State Government (2019), p.5.

Domain 1: Foundations of cuturally responsive recovery

Focus area 1.1 Cultural safety & capability

Strategic priority 1.1.1: Increase cultural capacity and responsiveness of government agencies and service providers involved in recovery (OCEO & SCOD)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal people’s unique experiences of trauma is addressed, and healing supported (ACH Outcome 1.3)

Guided by:

Self-determination enablers: Address racism and cultural healing

Strategic priority 1.1.2: Develop an ACH recovery capability implementation plan with a focus on ERV, recovery agencies, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and Traditional Owner Corporations, that embeds ACH into the Relief and Recovery Sector Capability Framework (to be developed) (SCOD)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and build resilience (ACH Outcomes 1.2, 1.3)

Guided by: Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017–2027

Self-determination enablers: Address racism and cultural healing

Strategic priority 1.1.3: Develop and embed cultural safety provisions in funding and procurement contracts and related processes (ALL)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and build resilience (ACH Outcome 1.4)

Guided by: n/a

Self-determination enablers: Address racism and cultural healing

Focus area 1.2 Recognition of rights and access to Country to support healing

Strategic priority 1.2.1: Develop a guide to Traditional Owner rights and statutory responsibilities in recovery to support ERV policy, coordination, and delivery. Focus areas: cultural heritage and settlement agreements (SCOD & SPED)

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.2, 2.3)

Guided by:

Self-determination enablers:

  • Prioritise culture
  • Address trauma and support healing

Domain 2: Strategic reform and operational reform and operational needs for Aboriginal community-led recovery

Focus area 2.1 Systemic and policy reform

Strategic priority 2.1.1: ERV work with EMV and government recovery partners to identify opportunities for increased formal recognition of Aboriginal rights26 and interests across emergency management arrangements and structures (SCOD)

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.1)

Guided by: Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework [DPC – First Peoples State Relations]

Self-determination enablers: Address trauma and support healing

Strategic priority 2.1.2: ERV influences the need to elevate Traditional Owner rights within the emergency management structures and process (SPED)

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.1)

Guided by: Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework

Self-determination enablers: Transfer power and resources to communities

Focus area 2.2 Aboriginal informed funding & projects

Strategic priority 2.2.1: Elevate Aboriginal needs and priorities in recovery and inform decisions about Aboriginal needs through data and evidence (SPED & SCOD)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and healing (ACH Outcomes 3.1, 3.2)

Guided by: Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework [DPC – First Peoples State Relations]

Self-determination enablers:

  • Address trauma and support healing
  • Transfer power and resources to communities

Focus area 2.3 Resources to Aboriginal communities

Strategic priority 2.3.1: ERV prioritise Aboriginal needs in funding allocation (SCOD & SPED)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and healing (ACH Outcome 3.1)

Guided by: Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework [DPC – First Peoples State Relations]

Self-determination enablers: Transfer power and resources to communities

Focus area 2.4 Engagement with Aboriginal communities

Strategic priority 2.4.1: Build and maintain relationships with ACCOs and TOCs (RCOD)

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.2)

Guided by: Guidance on engaging Traditional owners [DPC – First Peoples State Relations]

Self-determination enablers: Prioritise culture

Strategic priority 2.4.2: Ensure guides on ERV intranet continue to support ERV staff to meet legislative and statutory requirements related to Aboriginal cultural heritage and Traditional Owner agreements

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.1)

Guided by: Guidance on engaging Traditional owners [DPC – First Peoples State Relations]

Self-determination enablers:

  • Prioritise culture
  • Transfer power and resources to communities

Focus area 2.5 Communication

Strategic priority 2.5.1: ERV to embed appropriate and effective communications practices that address the needs for Aboriginal community recovery. (SCOD, RCOD & TTF/Corporate)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal people’s unique experiences of trauma is addressed, and healing supported (ACH Outcome 1.1)

Guided by: Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework

Self-determination enablers:

  • Prioritise culture
  • Address trauma and support healing

Domain 3: Aboriginal expertise and decision-making inform government accountability

Focus area 3.1 ERV accountability

Strategic priority 3.1.1: Embed Aboriginal Culture and Healing recovery outcomes in executive decision-making (OCEO)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal people’s unique experiences of trauma is addressed, and healing supported (ACH Outcome 1.3)

Guided by:

Self-determination enablers:

  • Address trauma and support healing
  • Transfer power and resources to communities
  • Prioritise culture
  • Address racism and cultural healing

Focus area 3.2 Community-led governance

Strategic priority 3.2.1: ERV ACH support mobilisation and stand-up of Aboriginal community forums in early recovery linked to State Recovery arrangements (SCOD and RCOD)

Recovery outcome: Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country (ACH Outcome 2.1)

Guided by: Aboriginal governance and accountability framework [DH]

Self-determination enablers:

  • Address trauma and support healing
  • Address racism and cultural healing

Domain 4: Monitoring and evaluating for success

Focus area 4.1 Monitor, evaluate and report

Strategic priority 4.1.1: Develop an ERV Aboriginal Culture and Healing monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework (SPED)

Recovery outcome: Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and healing (ACH Outcomes 3.3)

Guided by: Aboriginal governance and accountability framework [DH]

Self-determination enablers: Transfer power and resources to communities

Strategic priority 4.1.2: Report annually to the Victorian Government Aboriginal Affairs Report (OCEO and SPED)

Recovery outcome: Recovery delivery is efficient, coordinated and evidence informed (System Level Outcome: ERV outcomes framework)

Guided by: Aboriginal governance and accountability framework [DH]

Self-determination enablers: n/a
