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Role requirements

In order to understand the role requirements across the three workforces, respondents were asked to report on the frequency with which they undertook various activities as part of their role. The most frequently undertaken core activities and family-violence related activities are presented below.

Core activities

Family violence response specialists and primary prevention practitioners reported that they undertook a range of ‘core’ activities as part of their role. The most frequently undertaken activities for each workforce were as follows:

Table 3: How frequently do you work on the following activities? (Top three by workforce)
Workforce #1 Most frequent #2 Most frequent #3 Most frequent
Specialist family violence response
Case advocacy (54% at least weekly) Case management (47%) Developing partnerships and fostering integration (42%)
Primary prevention (n=495-498) Developing and maintaining partnerships and networks (64%) Project management (56%) Implementation of primary prevention initiatives (49%)

Family violence response-specific activities

Table 4 illustrates the top 3 most frequently undertaken family violence response-specific activities for each workforce. Overall:

  • Specialists generally undertook family violence response-specific activities more frequently than the core activities discussed above, whilst primary prevention practitioners generally undertook family violence response-specific activities less frequently than core activities.
  • The activities that the aggregate broader workforce most frequently worked on were similar to those reported amongst specialists, though were undertaken less often (see Table 5 for detailed results by sub-groups).
Table 4: How frequently do you work on the following activities? (Top three by workforce)
Workforce #1 Most frequent #2 Most frequent #3 Most frequent
Specialist family violence response
Identification of family violence (70% at least weekly) Screening for family violence risk (66%) Monitoring on-going risk / changes in risk for a client (61%)
Primary prevention (n=498-502) Proactive / voluntary family violence information sharing (29%) Identification of family violence (28%) Requesting information for FV risk assessment (14%)
Broader workforce aggregate
Screening for family violence risk (35%) Identification of family violence (30%) Family violence brief or intermediate risk assessment (20%)

Table 5. How frequently do you work on the following activities? (Top three by broader workforce sub-groups, % ‘at least weekly’)
Broader workforce sub-group #1 Most frequently undertaken #2 Most frequently undertaken #3 Most frequently undertaken
Alcohol and Drug services (n=198-207) Screening for FV risk (50%) Identification of FV (45%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (24%)
Ambulance services (n=145-148) Screening for FV risk (13%) Safety planning (12%) Identification of FV (11%)
Broader community services (n=1,378-1,403) Screening for FV risk (37%) Identification of FV (33%) Safety planning (21%)
Children, Families and Child Protection (n=392-397) Identification of FV (42%) Screening for FV risk (41%) Safety planning (32%)
Community Health Services (n=295-300) Screening for FV risk (39%) Identification of FV (29%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (19%)
Community Mental Health Services (n=196-200) Screening for FV risk (43%) Identification of FV (37%) Safety planning (24%)
Court Services (n=82-86) Identification of FV (43%) Screening for FV risk (40%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (32%)
Disability Services (n=109-112) Screening for FV risk (14%) Identification of FV (9%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (7%)
Education (n=254-258) Screening for FV risk (11%) Identification of FV (10%) Safety planning (8%)
Housing and Homelessness (n=168-169) Screening for FV risk (35%) Identification of FV (33%) Safety planning (26%)
Justice (n=115-116) Identification of FV (36%) Screening for FV risk (26%) Safety planning (22%)
Legal Services (n=56-58) Identification of FV (48%) Screening for FV risk (34%)

FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (23%)

Referring a client externally for family violence risk assessment or risk management (23%)

Maternal and Child Health (n=122-131) Screening for FV risk (90%) Identification of FV (40%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (34%)
Other Community Services (n=257-264) Screening for FV risk (38%) Identification of FV (29%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (22%)
Police (n=125-134) Identification of FV (81%) Screening for FV risk (80%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (74%)
Public health (n=495-499) Screening for FV risk (28%) Identification of FV (16%) FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (14%)
Settlement Services (n=32)

Identification of FV (22%)

Screening for FV risk (22%)

FV brief or intermediate risk assessment (16%)

Safety planning (16%)

Requesting family violence secondary consultation internally (13%)
Youth Work (n=108-109) Screening for FV risk (31%) Identification of FV (26%) Safety planning (23%)
