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Support to Learn Local providers impacted by the 2022 flood event

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 15 December 2021

Subject: Support to Learn Local providers impacted by the 2022 flood event

Actions and critical dates

  • As advised in the 9/12/2022 Sector Support update from Adult, Community and Further Education Chairperson, Maria Peters, the department is providing additional information on supports for flood impacted Learn Local providers
  • No action is required by impacted Learn Local providers at this time
  • The department will provide specific eligibility guidelines and follow up with impacted providers in January 2023.

Support to providers impacted by the 2022 flood event

As previously advised the ACFE Board has approved four measures to support providers impacted by flood events across the state in 2022. More detail on these measures are as follows:

A learner engagement project in each of the primarily affected regions of Hume and Loddon Mallee, which will be delivered in partnership with the cluster of directly impacted providers within the region. Funds will not be distributed to individual providers but used to develop and deliver a re-engagement strategy for potential learners covering marketing, provision planning, bespoke training and any other identified critical need

Application of a 10 per cent tolerance to pre-accredited training delivery for 2022, for Learn Local providers who have been directly impacted by floods, where at some point the training catchment was inundated, buildings damaged, or the training site was cut off and could not be easily accessed by staff and learners without alternative training possible. This is in addition to the 15 per cent tolerance to pre-accredited training delivery for 2022 for all providers, announced on 27 October 2022, to address some of the impacts experienced due to the unpredictable training delivery demand over the past couple of years

Small grants for providers who experienced losses or damages to pre-accredited training materials, equipment or resources as a result of the flood event. This may include minor damage or clean-up cost. Funds will only be provided where costs are not recoverable through insurance

Contracted flood impacted providers may use their 2023 Innovation Grant to address flood impacts on pre-accredited training delivery.

Eligibility for Learn Local providers to receive this support will be in accordance with flood impact reports provided through regional monitoring, and lists of providers who have been identified under each category. The Department will follow up with eligible Learn Local providers in January 2023 to formalise arrangements.

Further information

Please contact your regional office should you have any immediate questions relating to flood support.

Regional Office Contact Details

North Western Victoria, Kaye Callaghan: 03 4433 7582

North Eastern Victoria, Catherine Clark: 03 9084 8573

South Eastern Victoria, Jeremy Brewer: 03 8904 2503

South Western Victoria, Georgina Ryder: 03 5215 5204
