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Finalising the translation project

Design and production

If your translation is intended for public distribution, you may need to consider the following points in relation to design and production:

  • Let the graphic designer know if the translation entails scripts that run in a different direction
  • Include both the language and publication title in English on the front cover of the translation for easy identification
  • If publishing translations on a website, ensure multilingual content is deployed wherever possible as HTML as well as a PDF to allow search engines to locate the information in a language other than English.
  • Consider placing the National Interpreter Symbol on translated materials, with a corresponding telephone number for interpreter assistance, where possible.

Evaluate and maintain translations

Translated material should be reviewed periodically to determine if the information is effective, relevant and current:

  • Consider a maintenance schedule for translated material, especially if it is on a website. Ensure that all translated information is updated if the original English version changes.
  • Consider ways to assess the effectiveness of the translated publication in conveying the intended information. This might include consultation with target communities and specifically requesting feedback on the form or brochure, and/or conducting surveys of the target audience and relevant service providers.
  • Monitor the distribution of the translated material by collecting statistics on the number of page visits if the material is on the internet. For printed material, determine how many brochures were provided, in which languages and to which target groups.

Complaints and feedback

NAATI credentialed translators are expected to be accountable and comply with the Code of Ethics developed by the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT). If a translator fails to comply with the principles outlined in the AUSIT Code of Ethics, complaints can be lodged with the relevant language service provider.

The AUSIT Code of Ethics is available at

Issues such as deadlines not being met, incorrect charges or using translators with inappropriate levels of credential, should be raised with the language service provider in the first instance.

Language service providers will generally have a complaints policy and processes to resolve issues.

You may also wish to raise with NAATI, as the national standards and accreditation body, any significant ethics breaches or provide feedback for considering improvements to the credentialing system. NAATI can revoke credentials where this an appropriate course of action.

In addition to referring complaints to language service providers, departments and service providers should also provide information on how clients can access their own complaints and feedback mechanisms.
