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Evaluating outcomes

We have created an outcomes framework to evaluate the refreshed plan. It is based on Inclusive Victoria's framework of four pillars, 14 outcome areas and 22 priorities.

The framework reflects the things that people with disability have told us are important to them. They also include areas of growing focus and interest for people with disability such as supporting disability pride and removing barriers to free expression of sexual identity and gender.

The pillars and outcome areas in the Victorian autism plan: 2023 refresh are:

Pillar 1: Inclusive communities

Outcome areas

  • Connection
  • Inclusion
  • Accessibility
  • Mobility

Pillar 2: Health, housing and wellbeing

Outcome areas

  • Housing
  • Health
  • Wellbeing

Pillar 3: Fairness and safety

Outcome areas

  • Respect
  • Safety

Opportunity and pride

Outcome areas

  • Education and skills
  • Employment
  • Economic independence
  • Influence and recognition
  • Opportunity

Policy context

As part of the refreshed plan, we will evaluate our progress and publish a report on what we have done. This work will consider Inclusive Victoria’s outcomes framework, and a forthcoming national autism strategy.

Our work to report on outcomes will be assisted by national efforts to build a National Disability Data Asset. The data asset will connect data in better ways, so we have a more complete picture of the life experiences of people with disability.

We will also draw on the outcomes measurement approach set out in Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031.


There are three main bodies that oversee the refreshed Victorian autism plan:

  • the Interdepartmental Committee on Disability – a whole-of-Victorian Government committee representing all portfolios that have made commitments under the Victorian autism plan and Inclusive Victoria.
  • the Autism Plan Advisory Group – an external reference group of organisations with a focus on autism, including autistic-led support and service organisations
  • the Victorian Disability Advisory Council – the ministerial advisory body appointed to three-year terms as set out under the Disability Act 2006. There is shared membership between the Council and the Autism Plan Advisory Group.

We will make sure these three bodies work together to help us put the plan into action and evaluate its outcomes.


The refreshed plan will use the same approach to reporting as Inclusive Victoria. This means we will:

  • Report progress against actions, including furthering systemic reforms
  • Report against outcomes

We will provide a progress report at the end of 2024 for the three governance bodies and the Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers.

A final report will be produced at end of term of the refreshed plan in December 2025, due for release in early 2026.
