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The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse exposed horrific abuse of children by adults who were entrusted with their care. The Royal Commission shone a light on this abuse and its devastating consequences.

The Victorian Government pays tribute to those survivors who shared their experiences with the Royal Commission, showing extraordinary strength and courage in telling their stories through their testimony and submissions.

The Victorian Government welcomed the release of the Royal Commission’s Final Report in December 2017. The Victorian Government response to all the recommendations of the Royal Commission was published on 11 July 2018.

Victorian Government action to implement recommendations of the Royal Commission builds on the five-year program of reform to implement recommendations of the landmark Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non‑Government Organisations, Betrayal of Trust (2013).

The Victorian Government has now implemented all 15 of the recommendations of Betrayal of Trust, including the introduction of new criminal offences, measures to create child safe organisations, and civil law reforms to provide better access to justice for survivors of institutional child abuse.

The Victorian Government committed to reporting annually on its response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission for 5 years, until 2022. This is the Victorian Government’s first Annual Report. It describes the action that the Victorian Government has taken to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse, further work that is in progress and work that is planned for the future to build on these reforms.

The Victorian Government is continuing to work with the Australian Government and state and territory governments to progress recommendations that require national action. Further information about the cooperative work between governments that is underway is available in the Australian Government's Annual Progress Report 2018.

Victoria has taken strong action to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse, and the recommendations of the Royal Commission will be instrumental in guiding further reforms to better protect children from abuse.
