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Children with harmful sexual behaviours (Volume 10)

In line with Royal Commission recommendations, the Victorian Government has trauma-informed child-centred initiatives in place to help prevent harmful sexual behaviours from occurring, provide early intervention services should they emerge, and intervene appropriately when they occur.

Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services

As part of the 2021-22 Victorian State Budget, the government committed $44.1 million over four years to deliver support for children impacted by family violence and sexual assault, including increased funding for Sexually Abusive Behaviour Treatment Services (SABTS). This additional SABTS funding will be used to extend the capacity of these services to meet the growing demand for expert assessment and therapeutic interventions for children displaying harmful sexual behaviours.

SABTS practitioners follow the CEASE Standards of Practice, which are in broad alignment with Royal Commission recommendations. The CEASE Standards of Practice support informed, inclusive and accessible interventions for children and young people displaying harmful sexual behaviours. Sexual Assault Services Victoria has committed to review the CEASE Standards of Practice in 2022 to ensure they more closely align with Royal Commission recommendations.
