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The Victorian Government acknowledges the impact and harm to victim survivors of child abuse, and to their families and friends.

This is the government’s fifth and final Annual Report, which describes the actions that the Victorian Government has taken to prevent and respond to child sexual abuse during the reporting period of December 2021 to December 2022. The government has now implemented the Royal Commission’s recommendation to publish five successive annual reports on its progress in implementing recommendations of the Royal Commission from 2018 to 2022.

This report also affirms the government’s ongoing commitment to respond to and prevent child sexual abuse with reform activities continuing beyond 2022. The historic apology to all victims of institutional child sexual abuse will be an important step in acknowledging the experience, resilience, and bravery of victim survivors in Victoria.

This report also describes action that is planned and underway to continue, strengthen and expand on reforms to date. The government will continue to build on these important reforms well beyond 2022.

The Victorian Government will continue working closely with the Australian and state and territory governments to progress recommendations that require national action. The government remains committed to national initiatives such as the National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse 2021–2030.

There will be more to do until all children are safe and protected from abuse. The Victorian Government is committed to make sure that the drive for change that the Royal Commission started is not lost.
