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Victorian War Heritage Inventory

Search our War Heritage Inventory for information and images of places related to Victoria’s war history.

Our online War Heritage Inventory(opens in a new window) contains information and images of places related to Victoria’s war history including memorials, avenues of honour, memorial buildings, former defence sites and places of commemoration.

Add to the database

If you’d like a new site or information added to the inventory database:

You must hold copyright for all images and give permission for use. No images should be included for which copyright cannot be established or is held with another person or entity. It may take up to 28 days for new records to be added to the database.

Thank you for your contributions

Thank you to all the Victorians who have added records, text and images to this Inventory.

A special thanks to Bob Christey, who donated a large database of information and photos relating to war memorials across Victoria based on years of personal research.

We also appreciate the donation of a large and important database by the family of Ken Goudie. For over 20 years Ken collected information and images relating to more than 3,000 Victorian honour rolls and 97,000 service personnel.

Both databases represent a considerable archive of information resulting from untold hours of volunteer work.

Other online resources

Memorials, graves and death registry information
