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What are the steps in the process to rectify combustible cladding?

There are ten key steps that Cladding Safety Victoria follows to rectify combustible cladding on an apartment building that is eligible for funding as part of the government's $600 million program.

Step 1: Referral of a building to Cladding Safety Victoria

Buildings are referred to Cladding Safety Victoria by the Victorian Building Authority’s Statewide Cladding Audit or by the Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS) at your local council in accordance with an approved referral process. Building owners cannot directly refer their buildings to Cladding Safety Victoria.

Find out more about the Statewide Cladding Audit.

Step 2: Owners corporations register with Cladding Safety Victoria

If Cladding Safety Victoria considers a building to be in scope for assistance, a Customer Liaison Officer (CLO) is assigned who meets with the owners corporation. Following this meeting, the CLO may provide the owners corporation with a Registration Form. This must be completed prior to commencement of the next step in the program.

Find out more about the role of the Customer Liaison Officer in the process.

Find out more about the role of owners corporations in the rectification approvals process.

Step 3: Due diligence

Cladding Safety Victoria undertakes a due diligence process on each building. This may include a physical site inspection during which sample of materials might be taken for testing.

Once investigations are complete, a report will be prepared by Cladding Safety Victoria identifying possible rectification pathways (for example, whether full replacement or partial replacement is required).

Find out more about our due diligence process.

Step 4: A decision about funding is made

An internal Investment Board considers each report and makes recommendations to the Chief Executive who gives approval where appropriate for funding to be granted.

Find out more about funding of the program and how funding decisions are made.

Step 5: An Independent Project Manager is appointed

In most circumstances and with the agreement of the owners, Cladding Safety Victoria will assign an Independent Project Manager (IPM) to assist the owners corporation of each building. Working with the owners corporation, the IPM will facilitate each project’s delivery until completion. The IPM will undertake the procurement process for the design team and other contractors to undertake the cladding rectification work. These contractors will be hired by the owners corporation and funded by Cladding Safety Victoria.

Find out more about the role of the Independent Project Manager.

Step 6: A Funding Agreement is signed by the owners corporation

To secure funding from Cladding Safety Victoria, the owners corporation is required to sign a Funding Agreement. The Funding Agreement will set out funding arrangements and payment conditions. The Customer Liaison Officer will facilitate the execution of the Funding Agreement with the owners corporation.

Step 7: Execution of design and construct contracts

On behalf of the owners corporation, the Independent Project Manager (IPM) will facilitate the tender process for the design and construction of the cladding rectification works. The IPM will prepare a Tender Recommendation Report for the owners corporation and seek funding approval from Cladding Safety Victoria. Subject to approval and execution of the Funding Agreement with the owners corporation, the owners corporation will directly engage a builder to undertake the required works.

Find out more about the register of builders that are authorised to undertake works in the program.

Cladding waste materials will be disposed of under all relevant legislation by contractors undertaking the work. Find out more about how cladding waste materials will be disposed of under the program.

Step 8: Contract management and administration

All construction contracts will be administered by the Independent Project Manager (IPM), directly engaged by Cladding Safety Victoria. Contracts will be administered in accordance with terms.

Step 9: Contract completion

Subject to all contractual obligations being carried out, the project will be deemed complete and the building will be issued a new occupancy certificate.

Step 10: Building is acquitted from the program

Once works on a project are completed, the building will be acquitted and removed from Cladding Safety Victoria’s cladding rectification program.
